


Our J-Check program is a quick, convenient, and cost-effective way of providing testing and documentation of English proficiency for J-visa scholar applicants. This new Jameson Global service is in direct response to increased scrutiny of J-visa applicants, and anticipated greater enforcement of the English proficiency documentation requirements.

J-visa categories eligible for the J-Check testing program include: professors, short-term scholars, research scholars, specialists, and alien physicians.


The Basics

For Universities hosting J-Scholars:

  •  J-Check utilizes the iTEP Academic Plus exam which is TOEFL IBT and IELTS equivalent. ESL professionals evaluate the speaking and writing sections.
  • J-Check provides a comprehensive score report in 24 – 48 hours.
  •  J-Check provides iTEP to TOEFL/ IELTS score comparison charts.
  • J-Check test results will be sent directly to the host university to be included as documentation of English fluency in the J-visa scholar applicant’s file.
  • J-Check secure testing uses iTEP’s Fotosure security software.
  •  J-Check test results may not be used for admissions into any degree program.
  • J-Check offers flexible invoicing either to the host school or J-visa applicant.
Become a J-Check school today!

Institutional Acceptance of J-Check
Become a J-Check Institutional Member!
Your institution agrees to accept J-Check as one of its J-visa Scholar English proficiency options, but requires the prospective J-scholar to pay for the testing cost. In this case, the University simply directs the scholar to our J-Check webpage and he/she pays online and takes the test (cost is $99 USD to scholars).

It is FREE to become an J-Check Institutional Member! To read more details click here!


For J-Scholar applicants

  •  J-Check may be used by the prospective J-Scholar in the comfort of his/her home or office – not in a test center.
  •  J-Check may be used at the time and date of the prospective J-scholar’s choosing.
  • J-Check is quick! Scores provided in 24 – 48 hours
  • J-Check meets the “English proficiency documentation” requirement for a J-visa application (please note, it does not guarantee a visa, but does address this specific visa requirement).
  • J-Check is an affordable testing option!
  • J-Check test results may not be used for admissions into any degree program.

PLEASE NOTE: Our new J-Check website is LIVE! Please go to www.jchecktest.com for J-Check testing!

To order J-Check click here!