JG Moscow

JG moscow

Russia welcome logo

Jameson Global is now in Moscow, Russia!

Russia welcome logo

Дорогие друзья!
Мы живем в удивительное время, когда человеческая цивилизация достигла невероятных возможностей получение качественного и доступного образования, построения успешной карьеры, путешествий и установления личных и деловых контактов с людьми из разных уголков нашей планеты.

Образовательная и консалтинговая компания Jameson Global счастлива приветствовать Вас в России и пригласить всех, кто стремится получить незабываемый международный образовательный и профессиональный опыт, включающий программы обучения и профессиональных стажировок за рубежом, индивидуальные и групповые культурно-образовательные туры, экотуризм, подготовку и сдачу сертифицированных экзаменов по английскому языку, как языку международного значения, а также другие важные услуги по сопровождению и консультированию обучающихся и стажеров.

Команда квалифицированных профессионалов нашей компании поможет каждому клиенту лучше понять свои индивидуальные и профессиональные потребности и выбрать программу или учебное заведение, идеально соответствующее своим способностям, характеру, умениям, возможностям, жизненным и профессиональным устремлениям или ориентирам человека. Наш главный принцип сотрудничества с Вами заключается в гибком и индивидуальном подходе к каждому человеку. Наша миссия – поддерживать Вас в стремлении к более качественной жизни, образованию и личной гармонии. Добро пожаловать в Jameson Global! Мы Вас ждем!

Алла Гуслякова,
исполнительный директор
Jameson Global – Moscow, Москва

English welcome logo

Dear friends!
We are living in a unique epoch when our human civilization has reached extraordinary opportunities for affordable qualitative education, building up successful careers, travelling and establishing friendly personal and business relationships with people across the globe.

Jameson Global, our educational consulting company, is happy to greet you in Russia and invite everyone who is willing to get an unforgettable international educational as well as professional experience which includes academic and career training programs abroad, individual and group cultural tours, ecotourism, English Proficiency Testing & many other essential student / trainee support and advisory services.


Dr. Alla Guslyakova, Director

Our Jameson Global qualified team help every client to better understand his individual and professional preferences and choose the program or academic institution that will perfectly match a person’s character, skills, abilities, life and career development goals.
Our motto is Global reach – Personal focus. Our mission is to encourage YOU for a higher quality life, education & personal harmony.

Welcome to Jameson Global!
We are waiting for YOU!
Dr. Alla Guslyakova
Jameson Global – Moscow


Dear friends!

Jameson Global – Moscow and I congratulate you on the new 2019 – 2020 academic year! We are living in a quickly changing world where information is updated every second and new knowledge is introduced on a daily basis about different spheres of human life. Therefore, it is important to study and gain this knowledge so that we have a better chance to improve life on our planet, share our positive life experience, support each other and bring peace and prosperity into the world.
We hope that the forthcoming academic year will help you to become more educated and responsible individuals whose purpose is to promote lifelong learning which is essential for a sustainable future of the globe.

Good luck and let us be united by knowledge!

Dr. Alla Guslyakova, Director
Jameson Global – Moscow

Milana Piletskaya was in a bind…

The 20-year-old Russian wanted to study English over the summer in the United States, but the application deadline had passed. Even if she could find a way past that hurdle, the program was starting shortly. She needed to demonstrate her level of English proficiency, not only for program placement, but also to obtain a student visa so she could spend a longer time in the United States than a typical tourist visa allows.

Luckily, her English teacher, Dr. Alla Guslyakova, knew about iTEP—the International Test of English Proficiency. Unlike some English proficiency exams, which require scheduling weeks or months ahead of time, Piletskaya could schedule the iTEP online immediately and take it that day from her home computer.

The iTEP also offered a quick turnaround time. Within 24 hours, she would have her scores and could submit them to her preferred intensive English program, which was located at CalState—Northridge.

Good content, good program placement!
“[The test] was very interesting, and it didn’t take a lot of time,” Piletskaya said. Because the exam only took an hour, she found “it never got boring,” and it was even educational. “It helped me a lot to see the results on how I was doing at listening. I did well in other areas, but my score in listening was low.”

The quick turnaround and detailed results also helped officials at CalState—Northridge (CSUN). They swiftly processed her application and then provided her with the requisite I-20 form that the U.S. Government requires for all international students to be enrolled as full-time students.

In addition, the score report, which breaks down a student’s abilities into grammar, listening, reading, writing, and speaking categories, helped the school determine the correct classes for her program placement. This was essential since she would be arriving in California too late to participate in the in-class placement test the school offers.

Vanessa Andrade, the director of CSUN’s International Programs, said “The iTEP is phenomenal. It opens doors for students who aren’t able to get their test scheduled in time…. In Milana’s case, it also assessed class placement, so she could arrive and jump right into the program.”

For Piletskaya, strong English proficiency is a life goal. She is double majoring in both English and ecology at the Russian University of People’s Friendship in Moscow. Her parents encouraged her to attend the school because it allowed a foreign language as a second major.

On the other side
Over the eight-week CSUN summer program, Piletskaya said she had grown tremendously in her English abilities. The classes, which are conducted from 9 a.m.- 2 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 9 a.m. to noon on Friday, have particularly helped her conversational skills.

“What surprised me was how good the program was for me,” Piletskaya said. “I communicated with many people in my course. I studied with people from Japan, China, and Korea. We often talked about our countries. We would discuss one topic and how it was in each country. Before I wasn’t so determined to speak English with others; now I am.”

Piletskaya anticipates that her enhanced skills will aid her in her upcoming senior year in Moscow, but she also hopes her increasing skills will help her in her career to combat pollution and other ecological issues she wants to address.

“There’s a lot of pollution in cities right now,” she said. “There are also many, many problems right now in my country and other places. It needs to be studied and helped.”

Лента новостей от
Jameson Global – Moscow News





10/18/2016Read this intriguing article by Dr. Alla Guslyakova!
“The importance of global education for Russian students in the digital era.”

Глобальное образование как значимый фактор в жизни российских студентов в эпоху цифровых технологий.

Что мы можем Вам предложить! Наши услуги

1. Обучение за рубежом (США, Южная Америка, страны Юго-Восточной Азии, Китай)

2. Долгосрочные и краткосрочные академические и общекультурные программы, а также профессиональные стажировки для школьников, студентов, учителей, преподавателей высшей школы и ученых.

3. Обучение английскому языку как иностранному, подготовка школьников, студентов и работающих профессионалов к сдаче международного экзамена по английскому языку – International Test of English Proficiency ( iTEP Academic, iTEP SLATE, iTEP BUSINESS, iTEP HOSPITALITY)

  • iTEP Academic -предназначен для поступления в высшие учебные заведения за рубежом
  • iTEP SLATE – специально созданный экзамен по английскому языку как иностранному, позволяющий оценить знания учащихся общеобразовательных школ. Необходим при поступлении в государственные и частные школы за рубежом.
  • iTEP BUSINESS – международный экзамен по английскому языку как иностранному для всех, кто стремится построить свою карьеру в международном бизнес секторе.
  • iTEP HOSPITALITY – позволяет оценить знание английского языка как иностранного у специалистов, работающих в сфере международного туризма и сервиса.

По всем вопросам обращаться по телефону: 8 916 654 1936 или по электронной почте: a_v_guslyakova@rambler.ru.

What we can offer you! Services Provided

Study Abroad
Long-term and short-term academic, cultural & vocational training programs for Russian and American students, young people, professionals and scientists.

English Proficiency Testing
Preparation and exam-taking of International test of English Proficiency (iTEP) suite of exams:

  •  iTEP Academic for university ESL placement testing and admissions
  •  iTEP SLATE for private high school ESL placement testing and admissions
  •  iTEP Business for use in English proficiency assessment of employees and new hires within private companies and corporations
  •  iTEP Hospitality for use in English proficiency assessment of employees ad new hires in the tourism and hospitality management industry.

Jameson Global – Moscow works with partner schools to manage and operate iTEP test centers. For more information, email a_v_guslyakova@rambler.ru.


About the Director – Dr. Alla Guslyakova

In addition to her directorship at Jameson Global – Moscow, Alla Guslyakova, PHD (Philology), Associate Professor, a teacher and a researcher, is currently working at Moscow State Pedagogical University as well as collaborating with Lomonosov Moscow State University and Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia.

Alla with student

Dr. Guslyakova, right, with student.

Dr. Guslyakova graduated from Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University (Faculty of Foreign languages in 2003 and Faculty of Computer Science in 2006). In 2008, she defended her PHD dissertation at Moscow State Pedagogical University (Faculty of Foreign Languages). She is a winner of the Scholarship of the President of Russian Federation to study abroad. In 2009, she completed a professional training program at University of Central Arkansas (Arkansas, the USA). In 2014, she brought her first group of Russian students to the USA to study English.

In addition to Russian, Dr. Guslyakova speaks two other European languages – English and French. She is a member of the International Communication Association. Her scientific and educational interests include international education, teaching methodology, pragma-linguistics and sociolinguistics, new media, information technologies. She is the author of the monograph “Theoretical foundations of the new media discourse modeling”.

Contact Jameson Global – Moscow

Dr. Alla Guslyakova, Director
Jameson Global – Moscow
Russian Federation, Moskovskaya oblast’, 142700
gorod Vidnoye, ulitsa Zavidnaya, dom 9/250

Email: jamesonglobal.moscow@bk.ru


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